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CJA Awards 2023-24
Here is a list of the winners for the 2024 Awards. Congratulations to all!
501(c)(3) Status
BY CALEB S. BROWNChess Journalists of America is pleased to announce that the Internal Revenue Service has approved its application for a...
2024 Annual Meeting
BY CALEB S. BROWNNotice is hereby given that the annual membership meeting of Chess Journalists of America will be held in conjunction with the U.S....
who we are
The Chess Journalists of America encourage chess journalists and writers, editors and publishers, and creators and producers of digital media to exchange information and ideas for their mutual benefit. We promote the highest standards of ethics in chess journalism, represent United States chess journalists in appropriate national and international bodies, and influence policies affecting the promotion of chess.
what we do

Recognizing the best in print and digital communication.

The premier publication for chess writers for more than 40 years.

Preserving chess history through
conversation and interviews.