Chess Journalists of America is pleased to announce that its reorganization as a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of Texas has been successfully completed.
Until recently, Chess Journalists of America was a nonprofit association and as such suffered from a lack of legal clarity and other issues associated with not having corporate status. The membership unanimously endorsed the Webmaster’s plans for reorganization at the winter meeting, which were subsequently approved by the Executive Board the same evening after the meeting. The Secretary of State of Texas approved the certificate of formation for filing on February 8. Finally, the Board of Directors, as the Executive Board will now be known, met for an organizational board meeting by Zoom on February 13 to adopt bylaws, elect initial officers and transact other business required to complete the reorganization process.
Under the new bylaws, the office of Treasurer-Secretary was seperated into two offices. The Board of Directors unanimously agreed that Mark Capron would contiune as Treasurer and that Caleb S. Brown would serve as Secretary. They will concurrently retain their offices as Editor and Webmaster respectively until further notice.
The Board of Directors also authorized the Secretary to commence the process to apply for tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. This proposal was also unanimously endorsed by the membership at the winter meeting.
The minutes of the organizational board meeting (as well as notes from the winter meeting) have been posted. The committee list, board actions file and board members page have also be updated. The certificate of formation and the new bylaws have also been posted. All of this information and more is available from the governance page.