2006 Award Winners

Congratulations to this year’s CJA Award Winners!

Fred Cramer Awards Committee for Excellence in Chess Journalism
Joint Announcement

The following list of prize winners in this year’s CJA Awards program was provided by Pete Tamburro, Chief Judge of CJA and Chairman of the Awards Committee.

CJA Judging Results for June 1, 2005 through May 31, 2006
Pete Tamburro, Chief Judge

Cramer Award Categories

Category 1
Chess Journalist of the Year
  (by CJA vote)

  Peter Tamburro

Category 2
Gallery of Distinguished Chess Journalists


Normally only three journalists are selected each year, but the top four so clearly separated from the field that this year four were selected.

The following four chess journalists were voting into the Gallery of Distinguished Chess Journalists this year (in no particular order):

  • Irving Chernev
  • George Koltanowski
  • Glenn Petersen
  • Lubomir (Lubosh) Kavalek

Category 3
Best Book

1st Soltis: Why Lasker Matters
HM Cary Utterberg: De la Bourdonnais versus McDonnell, 1834

Category 4
Best Chess Column, Any Media

1st Soltis: Chess to Enjoy, Chess Life

Category 5
Best State Magazine/Editor, Open Division

1st Chess Horizons (Ed. Mark C. Donlon)

Magazine Editor Categories

Category 6
Best State Magazine, Under 1000 Circulation

1st Georgia Chess (Editor: Mark N. Taylor, Senior Editor: David Woolf)
HM NW Chess (Ed. Fred Kleist)

Category 7
Best Club Bulletin

1st En Passant, Journal of the Pittsburgh Chess Club (Ed. Bill Hoppman)

Category 8
Best Correspondence Chess Magazine

1st The Chess Correspondent, Joseph Ganem, Editor

Category 9
Best New Magazine

  (no entries)

Category 10
Most Improved Magazine

1st MidKnight Kibitzer (Ed. Lola Nunn)

Category 11
Best Cover

1st Georgia Chess, March/April, 2006

Category 12
Best Layout

1st Chess Life, April 2006
HM Georgia Chess Mar/Apr 2006

Magazine Author Categories

Category 13
Best Regular Magazine Column

1st Andrew Soltis, Chess to Enjoy, Chess Life

Category 14
Best Magazine Tournament Report

1st Maurice Ashley, Jerry Hanken, The HB Global Chess Challenge, Chess Life, August 2005
HM Macauley Peterson, Adams v. The Many Headed Hyrdra, Chess Life, September 2005

Newspaper Author Categories

Category 15
Best Regular Newspaper Column (tie)

1st Lubomir Kavalek, The Washington Post
1st David Sands, The Washington Times

Category 16
Best Regular Newspaper Column of Local Interest

1st Bill Cornwall: “Chess: A Knight’s Tour”, Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel

Category 17
Best Newspaper Tournament Report

1st David R. Sands: The Washington Times

Web-Based Categories

Category 18
Best State Website

1st Bill Noyes, Webmaster

Category 19
Best Internet Chess News Site

  (no entries)

Category 20
Best General Chess Web Site

  (no entries)

Category 21
Best Web-Based Review

1st “Half a Bitch is Better Than None” by Neil R. Brennen

Category 22
Best Web-Based Analysis

1st “When is a King Safe?” by NM Dan Heisman
1st “Game of The Month” for February 2006 by A.J. Goldsby

Category 23
Best Web-Based Instruction

1st “The Theory of Chess Improvement” by NM Dan Heisman
HM “Initial and Final Candidate Moves” by NM Dan Heisman

Category 24
Best Correspondence Chess Website

1st The Campbell Report, J. Franklin Campbell, Webmaster.

Category 25
Best Web-Based Interview

  (no entries)

General Author/Artist Categories

Category 26
Best Press Release

  (no entries)

Category 27
Best Human Interest Story

1st John Donaldson, “Grandmaster Igor Ivanov”, Chess Horizons, January-March 2006

Category 28
Best Historical Article

1st Olimpiu G. Urcan: “The Mysterious Chess Life of Rudolph L. Sze”
HM Neil R. Brennen: “‘The Queen of Chess’: The Correspondence Chess of Ellen Gilbert”

Category 29
Best Interview

1st Howard Goldowsky, “A conversation with Greg Shahade…”, Chess Life, November 2005

Category 30
Best Editorial

1st Matt Traynor, “It’s not the Legality that matters it’s the Value”
HM Matt Traynor, “The case for Kramnik vs. Topalov”

Category 31
Best Review

1st Tim Redman, “The Imagery of Chess Revisited”, Chess Life April 2006
HM Peter Tamburro, “The Day Kasparov Quit and Other Chess Interviews”, Chess Life, May 2006

Category 32
Best Analysis
 (very close vote between 1st and HM)

1st Peter Tamburro, “Attacking Strategies in the Ruy Lopez”, Chess Life, February 2006
HM Alexandra Kosteniuk, “Kosteniuk in Samara”, Chess Horizons, January – March 2006

Category 33
Best Instruction

1st “The Trojan Horse Draw Offer” and “The Sense of Danger”, both by Jon Jacobs!, Chess Life, July 2005 and October and December 2005

Category 34
Best Humorous Contribution

1st Bob Basalla, “Losing Advantages”, House of Chess Newsletter, March 2006

Category 35
Best Cartoon

1st Alejandro Yegas, School Mates, Oct 05; Bill Lange (R.I.P.), “Pawn Chain Gang”, Oklahoma Chess Quarterly, January 2006 Winter edition

Category 36
Best Chess Art

1st Chess in the Spotlight, Nathaniel Lagemann

Category 37
Best Chess Photograph

1st Macauley Peterson, Chess Life (Kamsky photo), April 2006, p. 20
HM Tony Cortizas, Chess Horizons (Patrick Sciacca photo), January-March 2006
HM Lola Nunn, MidKnight Kibitzer (Sun Sets on 3rd Round)
HM Lola Nunn, MidKnight Kibitzer (Time Stands Still for Jared), Volume 1, Issue 2

Category 38
Best General Chess Article

1st The Trojan Horse Draw Offer, Jon Jacobs, Chess Life, July 2005
HM Looking Back at the 2005 US Junior, Jonathan Hilton, Chess Life, March 2006

Category 39
Best piece with a chess related theme to appear in a non-chess or mainstream publication

1st The Grandmaster Experiment, Carlin Flora, Psychology Today;=1
HM “I’m not Bobby Fischer” ( by David Kushner
HM “Checkmate on the Prairie” (National Geographic) by Chris Carroll
HM “Planet Kirsan” (The New Yorker) by Michael Specter
HM “Pawn’s Shop” (Philadelphia Weekly) by Liz Spikol;=Shahade