2009 Award Winners

Congratulations to this year’s CJA Award Winners!

The following list of prize winners in this year’s CJA Awards program was provided by Jonathan Hilton, Chief Judge of CJA and Chairman of the Awards Committee.

Note from Chief Judge:

Special thanks to the judges: R. A. Hernandez, Betsy Dynako, Mark Capron, Myron Lieberman, Ira Lee Riddle, Dan Heisman, Rachel Lieberman, Joe Fogarty, Franklin Campbell, H. Lerman, Glenn Petersen, Eric Johnson, Robert Karch, Eric Schiller, John Donaldson, Mark Donlan, Hal Bogner, Nigel Eddis, Bill Cornwall, Tim Just, Alan Kantor, Fred Wilson, Michael Goeller, Daren Dillinger.


CJA Judging Results for June 1, 2008 through May 31, 2009
Jonathan Hilton, Chief Judge

“HM” indicates Honorable Mention
“LOC” indicates award for Local Interest
The “Score” column shows the judges’ voting/maximum.


Category 1 … Chess Journalist of the Year  (by CJA vote)

Alexandra Kosteniuk (see the Nominating Statement)
Runner up: Dan Heisman

Category 2 … Best Chess Column

Place Entry Score
1st Chess to Enjoy by GM Andy Soltis, Chess Life Jan-Mar 2009
         Jan 2009 page1, p2, Feb 2009 p1, p2, Mar 2009 p1, p2
2nd “Novice Nook” by NM Dan Heisman on Chess Cafe site: Col 1, Col 2, Col 3 28.4/30
3rd My Favorite King and Pawn Endings for Students by Pete Tamburro, Chess Life for Kids
June 2008, August 2008, October 2008
LOC Vigorito on Chess (Chess Horizons) by David Vigorito Oct-Dec 2008Jan-March 2009April-June 2009 24.7/30

Category 3 … Best State Magazine

Place Entry Score
1st  Northwest Chess, Editor Ralph Dubisch – March 2009, April 2009 27.3/30
HM Chess Horizons, Editor Mark Donlan – Jan-Mar 2009, April-June 2009 27.1/30

Category 4 … Most Notable Achievement In Correspondence Chess

Place Entry Score
1st 2005 Electronic Knights by FM Alex Dunne, Chess Life April 2009, page 30, page 31, page 32 27.5/30

Category 5 … Best Chess Art

Place Entry Score
1st Zaria by Rosalyn B. Katz, Chess Life for Kids  Feb 2009, April 2009, June 2009 26.8/30
HM The Many Faces of the New U.S. Champion, Chess Life Aug 2008 cover, Frankie Butler 22.6/30
HM The McCain Gambit by Randy Reynolds, Colorado Chess Informant October 2008 22.4/30

Category 6 … Best Chess Photograph

Place Entry Score
1st Northwest Chess, cover March 2009– Viktors Pupols cover, photo by Philip Peterson 29.0/30
HM Northwest Chess, September 2008 – de gib bang by Philip Peterson 29.0/30
HM The King Slap Heard Round the World (JPG file), Chess Life August 2008 page 25 and Chess Life Online, December 22, 2008 by Betsy Carina Dynako 25.0/30

Category 7 … Best Tournament Report

Place Entry Score
1st Anand’s Army by Jerry Hanken, Chess Life Oct 2008 page 16, p.17, p.18, p.19, p.20, p.21 25.9/30
2nd Living on Tulsa Time (U. S. Championship) by Tom Braunlich,
Chess Life
 August 2008 p 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
3rd Teeming Chess: The 2009 U.S. Amateur Team Events by Jonathan Hilton,
Chess Life May 2009 p 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33
4th Bronze Times Two by FM Mike Klein,
Chess Life
 February 2009 p 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42
5th Yeager Has the Right Stuff by FM Mike Klein,
Chess Life
 August 2008 p 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

Category 8 … Best Regular Newspaper Column

Place Entry Score
1st Chess by David R. Sands The Washington Times 22.7/30
LOC Chess: A Knight’s Tour,Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel by Bill Cornwall,
       7/20/2008, 5/24/2009, 3/29/2009

Category 9 … Best Chess Web Site

Place Entry Score
1st Chess Life Online by Jennifer Shahade 26.7/30
Best State ChessMaine, Daniel C. DeLuca 23.3/30
LOC The UTB/TSC Chess team and the Scorpion Chess Club blog by Luciana Morales Mandoza 19.3/30

Category 10 … Best Historical Article

Place Entry Score
1st York vs. Philadelphia: The 1858 Telegraph Match by Neil Brennen,
         Chess Life June 2008, p 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Category 11 … Best Interview

Place Entry Score
1st Interview with an American Medallist: IM Sam Shankland, Chess Life Online Dec. 6, 2008 by Jennifer Shahade and Sam Shankland 37.9/40
LOC The Man Behind Forcing Chess Moves, Chess Horizons Oct-Dec 2008 by Edwin Lam 27.3/40

Category 12 … Best Editorial

Place Entry Score
1-2 (tie) From the Editor’s Desk by Ralph Dubisch, Northwest Chess 23.5/30
In Partial Defense of Chess Book Publishers, Chess Horizons July-Sept 2008 by Howard Goldowsky 23.5/30

Category 13 … Best Review

Place Entry Score
1st Modern Chess Openings, 15th Edition by GM Alexander Shabalov, Chess Life Sept 2008 p 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 28.9/30
HM Positional Self-Training by Dennis Monokroussos, Chess Horizons Oct-Dec 2008 28.0/30

Category 14 … Best Analysis

Place Entry Score
1st The Endgame Bind from Novice Nook (Chess Café) by Dan Heisman 27.5/30
2nd Kosteniuk Annotates by Alexandra Kosteniuk, Chess Horizons Jan-March 2009 26.5/30
3-4 (tie) Ivanov Annotates by Alexander Ivanov, Chess Horizons Oct-Dec 2008 25.9/30
Anders’ Game from Novice Nook (Chess Café) by Dan Heisman 25.9/30

Category 15 … Best Instructive Lesson

Place Entry Score
1st Novice Nook 100: The Best Novice Nook Ideas from Novice Nook (Chess Café) by Dan Heisman 22.0/30
HM Forcing Sequences, the key to better calculation by FM Charles Hertan, Chess Life August 2008 p 42, 43, 44 21.0/30

Category 16 … Best Humorous Contribution

Place Entry Score
1st  Mate the Beatles (Paired…) by Bob Basalla, Ohio Chess Connection, Nov/Dec 2008 33.5/40
HM The Fogarty View, by Joe Fogarty, May/June 2008 Ohio Chess Connection 33.0/40
HM Pascal on His Big Win in Bermuda, Chess Life Online Feb. 7, 2009 by GM Pascal Charbonneau 31.5/40

Category 17 … Special Recognition Award

Place Entry Score
1st Where Have You Gone, Rachels, Shaked & Rao? by FM Mike Klein, Chess Life Sept 2008, p 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 27.5/30

Category 18 … Excellence in Chess Writing, Mainstream Media

Place Entry Score
1st  Chessidim by Josh Lipowsky The Jewish Standard, July 11, 2008 19.5/20

Other Recognitions:

Place Entry Score
  Who Dares Wins by GM Ian Rogers, Chess Life May 2009 p 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27