2007 Award Winners

Congratulations to this year’s CJA Award Winners!

Fred Cramer Awards Committee for Excellence in Chess Journalism
Joint Announcement

The following list of prize winners in this year’s CJA Awards program was provided by Pete Tamburro, Chief Judge of CJA and Chairman of the Awards Committee.

Note from Chief Judge: Congratulations to the award winners. The judges frequently reported the closeness of their rankings, and several veteran judges observed that the quality this year was superior to previous years. You will note that sometimes there are several honorable mentions and sometimes none. Honorable Mention does not mean second place. It means that the entry was of such quality that it could very well have won if not for the winner. On a scale of 1-10 judges have to have awarded it all 8’s and 9’s, unless the chief judge felt a particular score was unjustifiably low. My thanks to Howard Goldowsky for his attention and leadership for category 24 and to Arlen Walker, who acted as chief judge in categories 19 and 21, where the chief judge was entered. Judges were chosen who had never met the chief judge and Arlen Walker was chosen for his integrity and for also having never met the chief judge.

As for the categories, the Cramer Awards Committee has not sent us the official results as of yet. Since the chief judge had some serious disagreements with Don Schultz of the Cramer Committee, he had resigned from the committee before their meeting, so cannot report with confidence what he heard. The Chess Journalist of the Year is known: Mig Greengard by CJA vote. Dan Heisman second place.

With categories 6-24, here are some tidbits. Category 7 had huge disagreements among the judges, which only points out the subjectivity of much of this. Category 10, tournament reports, had 19 entries, and judges agonized over their rankings because of the high quality of the reports. Our youngest winner, Jonathan Hilton, who received an honorable mention, has offered proof that we should encourage young talents. Category 23, special recognition, is not a ranking type judging. Each item is judged as being “special” in its own way. Susan Polgar’s commencement address before a major university may very well be a first. We will be making the text available for the website and magazine. The mainstream media awards were given to very deserving articles, but everyone seemed to agree we had a winner out of New Orleans. CJA members should note that this category is to not only recognize mainstream journalism (and we defined that much better this year), but to make these mainstream media productions aware of the CJA!

Special thanks to the judges, especially Myron and Rachel Lieberman, who were incredible workhorses. The others: Arlen Walker, Howard Goldowsky, Ira Lee Riddle, Mark Capron, Glenn Petersen, Mike Goeller, Dan Heisman, Fred Wilson, Nigel Eddis, Franklin Campbell, Rich Fireman, Jonathan Hilton, Alan Kantor, Harvey Lerman, Randall Hough, Jerry Hanken and Eric Johnson.

This is my last year as Chief Judge. I have enjoyed working with the reasonable people who were judges and entrants. I have enjoyed bending the rules for late entries because of oversights or personal problems. I have enjoyed working with people who tried to make positive efforts to improve this system. I think it’s great that our president and secretary have produced certificates to be proud of, and worth every extra penny.

I have not enjoyed the volume of entries taking over my living room and dining room. I remember Helen Warren talking about that years ago and to do it is to understand it. I have not enjoyed the sniping of people on the internet who criticize us and even attack me personally. I have not enjoyed the egos of some people who consider themselves and their own agendas more important than the good of chess journalism in the United States. I’ve done this too many times over the years and the whole thing has simply worn me out, as with all the other chess politics nonsense. It’s time for others of good will to step up.

–Pete Tamburro


CJA Judging Results for June 1, 2006 through May 31, 2007
Pete Tamburro, Chief Judge

Cramer Award Categories
for a list of past Cramer Award winners see:

Category 1
Chess Journalist of the Year
  (by CJA vote)

  Mig Greengard

Category 2
Gallery of Distinguished Chess Journalists


The following chess journalists were voting into the Gallery of Distinguished Chess Journalists this year (in no particular order):

  • Alex Dunne
  • GM Yasser Seirawan

For a complete list of the members of the Gallery of Distinguished Chess Journalists see:

Category 3
Best Book

1st The Kings of New York by Michael Weinreb

Category 4
Best Chess Column, Any Media

1st Pete Tamburro, instructional column “Chess Lessons” in Chess Life for Kids

Category 5
Best State Magazine/Editor, Open Division

1st Georgia Chess
HM Northwest Chess
Chess Horizons

CJA Categories

Category 6
Most Notable Achievement in Correspondence Chess Journalism

1st Robert Karch,ed., King’s Corner
HM Joe Ganem,ed., Chess Correspondent
Franklin Campbell, “The Campbell Report” column July 2006, Sept 2006, Nov 2006

Category 7
Best Layout
 (Three way tie for first place)

1st Daniel Lucas, ed., Chess Life
Glenn Petersen, ed., Chess Life for Kids
David Woolf and Mark N. Taylor, eds., Georgia Chess

Category 8
Best Chess Art

1st Gabriella Bornstein and Frankie Butler, Chess Life, December 2006 Cover: “Cold War Postem Mortem”
HM Jeremy Kortes and Frankie Butler, Chess Life, March 2007 Cover: “Cheaters”

Category 9
Best Photograph

1st Jacob Okada, Chess Life, July 2006, Cover: “Anna Zatonskih”
HM Josh Kuchinsky Photography, Chess Life, October 2006, p. 28, “Mark Glickman”

Category 10
Best Tournament Report, Any Media

1st John Watson, “Surprises in San Diego” Chess Life, June 2006
HM Ian Rogers, “Akopian Triumphs in Gibraltar” Chess Life, April 2007
Rob Huntington, “Bronze for the Red, White, and Blue” Chess Life, August 2006
Jerry Hanken, “Shulman Shines in 107th U.S. Open” Chess Life, Nov. 2006
Jerry Hanken, “Kamsky Wins, But ‘Cat’ Makes News” Chess Life, Oct. 2006

Category 11
Best Regular Newspaper Column

1st Lubomir Kavalek, “Chess” The Washington Post
HM Bill Cornwall, “Chess: A Knight’s Tour” The Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel

Category 12
Best Regular Newspaper Column of Local Interest

1st Bill Cornwall, “Chess: A Knight’s Tour” The Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel

Category 13
Best State Web Site

1st Daniel DeLuca,

Category 14
Best General Web Site

1st Hanon Russell, Chess Cafe
HM (uscf did not designate award winner: Shahade!?)

Category 15
Best Human Interest Story

1st Jon Jacobs, “Blockading Chess Cheaters” Chess Life March 2007

Category 16
Best Historical Article

1st Al Lawrence, “Cold War Post Mortem” Chess Life December 2006
HM Neil Brennen, “Rising from the ashes: Issac Orchard and the Growth of Atlanta Chess” Georgia Chess, Nov/Dec 2006; Jan/Feb 2007

Category 17
Best Interview
 (Three way tie)

1st Howard Goldowsky, “A Conversation with Michael Weinreb” Chess Life March 2007
Howard Goldowsky, “A Conversation with Mark Glickman” Chess Life October 2006
John Hillery, “Interview: Dan Lucas” The Chess Journalist, June 2006, p3 link

Category 18
Best Editorial

1st Macauley Peterson “Move First, Write Later, A New Year’s Resolution?” Chess Life Online link
HM Marcy Soltis, “Should Women’s Events be Separate from Men’s?-No”
Susan Polgar, “Should Women’s Events be Separate from Men’s?-Yes”
Both in Chess Life, July 2006

Category 19
Best Review
 (Chief Judge for this category: Arlen Walker)

1st Pete Tamburro, “An Openings Farm” Chess Life, May 2007
HM Howard Goldowsky, “Chess and the Art of Negotiation” Chess Horizons, Jan.-Mar. 2007
Dr. Tim Redman, “The Symbolic Power of Chess” Chess Life, December 2006
Michael Goeller, “The Immortal Game and Chess History”
Pete Tamburro, “Make Life Miserable for Black” Chess Life, Oct. 2006

Category 20
Best Analysis

1st Jon Jacobs, “The Sense of Danger, Part III: Nature, Red in Tooth and Claw” Chess Life, December 2006

Category 21
Best Instruction
 (Chief Judge for this category: Arlen Walker)

1st Jon Jacobs, “The Sense of Danger, Part III: Nature, Red in Tooth and Claw” Chess Life, December 2006
HM Jonathan Hilton, “How Wojo Won” (Parts I,II and III), Chess Life Online,

Category 22
Best Humorous Contribution

1st Randy Hough, “Story: The Fantasy US Championship”
HM Harold Dondis, “The Lost Mule Flat Chess Club” Chess Horizons April-June, 2007

Category 23
Special Recognition Award
 (Multiple Winners)

1st Andy Ramos, “Developing Pieces” Miami-Dade County Public Schools Chess Newsletter
Larry Kaufman, “Pawn and Move(s)” Chess Life, September 2006
Susan Polgar, “Commencement Address” Texas Tech University 2007

Category 24
Excellence in Chess Writing, Mainstream Media

1st Michael Tisserand “Getting Back in the Game” ,, 3 October 2006, link
(Print publication: Gambit Weekly called it “Picking Up the Pieces” changed title when put on website )
HM “The Expert Mind” by Philip Ross, Scientific American, August 2006 link
“From Champion To King” by Steve Springer, Los Angeles Times newspaper, 29 June 2006 Link, bottom of page
“HU dean finds chess, business make a smart match” by Matthew Bowers, Virginian-Pilot newspaper, 27 Feb 2007 (27 June 2007) Link
“Chess Goes to School” by Ann Hulbert, Slate, May 2, 2007 Link
“Chess Bump” by William Saletan, Slate, May 11, 2007 Link